A Quick Guide to the Rules of Golf
Golf is about getting the ball into the cup, right? Not exactly. Believe it or not but the Rules of Golf has over 180 pages. In addition, there is a code of conduct or etiquette which you are expected to adhere as well both on and off the course. But don’t worry, you don’t really need to memorise everything but it is desirable for you to read the Rules of Golf. For a start, however, try to remember the following rules:
Play the ball as it lies. Don’t lift the ball or move it no matter where it lies. You have to play it the way it lies with the exception of putting. In the latter case, be sure to mark the ball’s position with a ball marker or a coin before lifting it.
You have only five minutes to search for the ball. If you can’t find it, it is lost. This means that you need to play another ball from where you shot it and add a stroke penalty to your score. The same counts for balls that land in water hazard and out of bounds which are defined by white lines or stakes, fences or walls.
If the ball is unplayable – if you can’t or don’t want to play it as it lies, you can play another ball from where you played your last shot. Another option is to drop the ball behind the point where it lies in a straight line to the hole or drop it within anywhere in the distance of two clubs but not nearer to the hole.
Don’t carry more than 14 clubs. If you are a beginner, you probably don’t have as many clubs in the first place but it is good to know that you aren’t allowed to have more than 14 clubs on the course.
Mark your balls. There is a great chance that other golfers use the same balls than you. So mark your balls to be able to identify them. If you can’t identify your ball, the Rules of Golf say it is lost.
The etiquette part is just as important as the rules of play. The most important of all is to:
Keep pace. Don’t rush with your shots but show consideration for others. Also, limit yourself to a reasonable number of shots per hole.
Make sure to leave the course the way you have found it. If you damage the green, fix it or ask your playing partners to do so if you don’t know how. Also, smooth the bunkers before you leave.
Take care of yourself and others. Yell “fore” if you think that your ball may hit another person and pay attention to other golfers’ “fores”. Also, make sure to stand at a safe distance from the golfer hitting the ball.
If you have any questions or if there is anything unclear to you, don’t hesitate to ask your playing partners. They know how it’s like to be a beginner.